Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Lookie what I got in the mail: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Oh, this is killing me. I wanna open it! I wanna! I wanna!!

My son tells me I should wait until Friday. But should I? It's from Powells. Definitely a book. Ooooooooooooooh, I lOVE books.

*breathing breathing* I know... I'll go take a picture of my tomatoes to distract myself:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ah, better.

Can you see all those black spots on the white? Those are gnats. Dead gnats. Yuck. I just cleaned them off 15 minutes ago and here they are back again. I guess that's the reason Sur la Table was only selling the models in black. I don't understand where they are coming from. My kitchen isn't dirty.

I've been researching all day. Whew! I think I'm making progress though. I didn't make it to the museum as I had hoped, but I did go to the local library and plan to update the first 100 pages of the wip as much as I can before I get to bed. I'm learning all sorts of cool things about how the people made medieval paint.

Now if I could just find somebody to show me how to put smilies in my blog. LOL!

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