Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Jamester woke up on Saturday morning with 103 degree fever and looking a little glassy eyed. Bad ear infection in both ears. :(

Jack and I had to miss our class to become certified pet therapists. Bummer.

But--James is looking a little better. Still running fever today though.

My garden is coming along, but I sure wish the new pump would come in instead of having to use this make-shift one.

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My manuscript is also creeping along. I'm on a panel for the local Houston Bay Area romance writer's group on Tuesday night ... looking forward to that.

And... lookie what somebody sent me today... a link to say that Master of Pleasure and Master of Desire had been recommended on their website:

WAHOO!!! Best news I've heard all weekend.


ChristyJan said...

Hey...2 of those are my recommendations

Jessica Trapp said...

YOU ROCK!!!!!!!
