Thursday, January 18, 2007

Yesterday was an AWESOME day! I met a friend for critique and we hammered away at both of our manuscripts. I left feeling both inspired and exhausted.

Afterwards I took a two hour class on fear and confidence. It gave me some good ideas to get out of this funk. One thing that amazed me was how amazing the people were that were in the class--half of them owned their own businesses or were in high profile jobs-- I would never have guessed any of them to be fearful in any areas... they all seemed very brave and talented to me.

I felt so energized from yesterday that I spent most of the day reworking the first half of the manuscript per yesterday's critique session. WAHOO!! Thank God for critique partners!

Jack was invited to be a model at the Paws in the Park dog show. Here he is today, just relaxing is some weirdo pose with his butt up in the air. Totally cracked me up. Had to photo it.

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