Saturday, January 13, 2007

This is been a serious week of near misses.Spent the day in the doctor's office on Tuesday getting x-rays for James wrist. Not broken! Hooray! My entire manuscript was wiped off my computer on Wednesday. Gak. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Turns out I remembered I had e-mailed most of it to my critique partner earlier that day, so I only lost about a day's worth of work. Bad, but not disastrous.

Joe and I did surgery on my garden, which involved taking the thing apart and turning the tomatoes upside down:

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NO, I do NOT normally walk around my kitchen in leather pants... we'd been out motorcycle riding. LOL!

I e-mailed the areogarden people. They're supposed to be sending me a new pump.

For now, the garden looks like this:

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My husband put a different pump in it (one that was left over from other garden projects) so at least it's working until the new pump comes in.

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The plants are getting bigger and starting to flower. I'll take new photos today.

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