Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I just wrote a post then accidentally deleated it. Grrr. I guess I haven't figured out this blog thing yet. I've got to figure out how to set up a profile and stuff.

Yesterday as a pain. Today wasn't shaping up much better until I came upon a BRILLIANT plan. My kid daudles sometimes in the morning. Moves like a slug. Stares at his breakfast instead of eating it. Anyone else have daudlers? It's enough to make a parent want to snatch themselves bald sometimes.

So... he missed the bus.

This is usually a point of extreme unhappiness in our house. (Gotta figure out how to put in those smilies too.)

But today I thought... hmmmmmmmmm... I was planning to put away laundry and clean the bathroom and NOW I have HELP! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

So... we got those chores done in record time and still made it to school on time. The bus comes much earlier than you have to leave if you are a car rider.

So, now those chores are done so I can walk the dog and then settle into writing.

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