Sunday, March 18, 2007

For the moment, I'm moving my blog to myspace:

I'm not crazy about the layout here.

:) jes

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I have finished day 7 of my 100 words a day for 100 days writing challenge. Here's a link to the yahoo loop:

It's both easier and harder than it seems. I'm nearly to page 300 of my work-in-progress which feels good.

This week has been hard to write because it's spring break. Looking back over the business of past five days, it's a wonder that I haven't collapsed. LOL! I think the fun-factor is what keeps me going. We rode rides in Kemah, visited the Children's Museum, cleaned out every nook and cranny of my kid's room, went to the dentist, pulled weeds, donated a bunch of stuff to the women's shelter, visited with friends, ate a lot of great food.

Anyhow.... Monday will be Sprung Broken. THANK GOODNESS! I am SO ready to get back to Starbucks.

I'm reading Eve Silver's book His Dark Kiss right now. WOW! I love this book. The characters are fabulous and I love the setting.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I have resigned myself to the insanity of Spring Break and it's actually fun. The Jamester and I have had an amazing week so far. It rained all day today so we had a chill-out day from all the fun we've enjoyed the earlier part of the week.

I started a new yahoo challenge loop for writers to write 100 words (at least) on their work in progress for 100 days in a row.

I'm going to get my Trapped in a Book Read-a-thon 2007 up and running soon. I need to revamp the rules. Make it simpler, I think.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Life has been awesome here! Jack was a model dog in a doggy fashion show on Saturday. He looked so cute in his tux.

I'm plugging along on the manuscript.

Started taking an Artist Way class and re-reading the book a few weeks ago. That has been FABULOUS! All these things to reflect on. The other students are interesting too, to say the least. Mostly, it's allowed me to just relax and enjoy writing again.

I also hired an organizer to help me with this freakin' office which is about to drown in paperwork. Gak.

My tomatoes are good. The one in the middle is making lots of yellow fruit. The one on the left has made two tomatoes. And then there is the dud plant: the one on the right wants to hog all the light and hasn't made one stinking tomato. We whacked a bunch off of it the other day. Take that, you dud! So, we'll see if it starts to make tomatoes.

You know what I noticed? Tomato plants smell funky. Not the tomatoes... the plant itself. And you can't wash that stink off either. Next time I'm growing herbs or lettuce or strawberries.

Gotta run... my son is demanding attention to brainstorm on our top secret project.

:) jes