Monday, November 20, 2006

WHAT A WEEKEND! My husband's B-Day party. Friends over for the weekend. Ren Fest.


So, today my new AeroGarden arrived. It's a all in one, indoor kitchen vegtable grower that is supposed to be easy--no weeds or dirt and it shows you when to add water and plant nutrients. Sorta like Gardening for Dummies or SpaceAge Gardening. I had seen one at Sur la Table, but they only had them in black (grrr!) and I wanted a white one, so I ordered it direct from the company. I thought it would be fun because I've had no luck at all growing tomatoes at home (although my neighbor grows beautiful tomatoes.)

Anyway... here's the saga:

Unpacking it:

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Then I set it up with the Cherry Tomato kit--which included two reds and one yellow tomato seed pods plus four "space savers." Looks pretty cool, huh?

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The "low water" light (a small red light on the front) was blinking so I added water--the water started running through the pods--makes a nice sound. But the low water light didn't go off. (Grrrr!)

I called customer service... was left on hold for a long time, (grrr!) so I left a message and decided to try emailing them. The website doesn't have a specific edress to contact them even when you click the contact page. (grrr, grrr, grrr.)

Anyone else frustrated with today's "customer service" departments? It's more like you push 15 buttons and then talk to someone in India. Oh, wait, that's insurance companies.

Back to gardening...

Now, I don't know if I should add the nutrient pack or not. I read the manual and didn't see instructions on what to do if the low water light doesn't turn off. There is definitely plenty of water. And I turned it on and off several times. Hit the reset button. What else is there? Am I missing something? What if I have to return the thing for a new one?

Well. Phooey. I realize that if this is the worst thing I have to deal with today, that the day still gets marked down as a success... but grrr on hassles.

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