Monday, February 19, 2007

I had one FREAKIN' FANTASTIC writing day today. Got to write that hot scene that's been burning in my mind for days.

Other news...

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RED tomatoes. Fun, huh? They will be ready to eat soon. So far, I LOVE this areogarden--even with the issues we've had with the pump.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lookie, lookie... just for fun, I made a Banner.

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I'm a hopeless romantic. No doubt about that. Today I posted the embarrassingly sappy story about how I met my husband over at


Yesterday the bumper stickers came in! Here's one on a friend's car:

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today I headed over to the bookstore to find my honey a Valentine's Present. So... I'm wondering around looking at sexy books, love coupon books, romantic date books.(I LOVE bookstores..) Anyway, I look up and see two full rows of "Letters to Penthouse" And, get this... they are in the "SELF HELP" section.


I think I embarrased myself in the store because I started cracking up and had my friend take a photo. If she can figure out how to email it to me, I'll post it.

As Dr Suess says, "From here to there, funny things are everywhere."

This morning I did a search for someone to help me with paperwork. Guess what I found? Tons of professional organizers that have sadly out of date and/or disorganized websites. Totally cracked me up. If the pros can't get their stuff together, that sure give hope for people like me who waffle between super-organized and utter creative chaos.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell...I hear the whip cracking...Off to finish that chapter now.


Monday, February 12, 2007

Ha! I got it:

I'm still fumbling around over there, but it's a very fun place.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My brain is fried. I'm trying not to get frustrated. I'm attempting to set up a my space account. gak.

I have some weird number for my id instead of my name.

I think I need to go and chill for a bit.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

More and more I realize how much we choose our mood by what we focus on. Every day we face both challenges and blessings. We can choose to focus on the positives--the exciting things that come into our life and the whole brilliance and wonder of it all... or we can choose to focus on the petty things--the people who annoy us or the problems that we face. I want to turn away from the negative and enjoy the awesome adventure of life. To smile more. To appreciate the good things.

I had a really fun West Houston RWA meeting today. The presentation was done by Dawn Temple whose first book A Will to Love comes out in October and Sophie Jordan a historical romance author. If anyone hasn't read Sophie's Once Upon a Wedding Night... get thee to a bookstore. WOW! I loved it. I have a sneak ARC of her new book, Too Wicked To Tame that I'm dying to sink my teeth into.

Today in the mail, I got Eve Silver's His Dark Kiss. What a HOT cover. I can't wait to read that one either.

My tbr pile grows larger and larger.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Fonts! HOLY SMOKES. My new obsession.

Check out this site:

wow. wow. wow. There are tons of them. I think my eyes are starting to cross. But what fun to dig around in all the types and sizes.

I'm trying to figure out something for new websign...

I like these:

But I'm not anywhere near close to picking something... and my brain feels a little overloaded at the moment.

Today I finished a hard chapter. I read it to my husband and he liked it. WAHOO!

I also did some Artist Way stuff with friends and baked a candy pizza. It was cool. Next week I have plans to take a "real" artist date.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I struggle with setting boundaries. Boundaries on life, boundaries on my time. Recently an acquaintance of mine asked me to do something that was so freakin' rude that I wondered if I had a sign on my head that read "yes, please." It was, in a way, a good thing--like a friendly little kick-in-the-butt. I realized I've really got to get a handle on people stealing bits of my time. About four months ago I had a dream that I was divided into these tiny little puzzle pieces and I couldn't figure out how to put my head together. LOL!

'nuff on that... today I locked myself in my room and turned up the Celtic music. And--had an AWESOME writing day. It felt fabulous.

Soooo... other news...I'm in the process of adding to and subtracting from my website. When I first bought the domain, the site was so clean and simple. Then, over time, we've added to it, and added to it, and added to it. Now it feels like an overstuffed and crowded closet. Time to clean it out and get rid of those gigantic 1980s shoulder pads or something.

I'm going to get some real-live professional publicity photos sometime in March. Something else I've been putting off for, well, years. C'est la vie. I've had books to write, a kid to raise, a husband to love, a dog to train and a mom to chum with. Priorities. Priorities. Anyhow... it's time. And I'm seriously looking forward to it. I'm kinda thinking that photoshop trumps plastic surgery any day. *grin*

Tomorrow I'll add more areogarden photos. The tomatoes look terrific!